Parents Association

The MSMC Parent’s Association proudly provides two essential functions for the ÎÞÂëÊÓƵ:

  • Ensure all families feel welcome, by providing opportunities to bring the school community together through a wide range of regular activities and annual events. 
  • Raise funds which go back to the ÎÞÂëÊÓƵ to help enhance the facilities and resources available to our children

MSMC Parents’ Association Executive Committee 

Our 2022/2023 Executive Committee comprises Suzy Suss (Co-President), Romy Borensztajn (Co-President and GBH Representative), Olivia Benkel (Vice President), Amy Kotlyer (Secretary), Dorienne Harel (FKI Representative), Mel Raleigh (SFPS Representative), and immediate Past Co-Presidents, Tali Steiner and Natasha Mymin. 

The Executive is supported by a wonderful team of parents who head the sub committees that run each event and activity. They are a committed group of volunteers who spend countless hours trying to raise funds for the school and foster a sense of community amongst parents, staff and students. 

Although all parents are automatically members of the Parents’ Association, new committee members are always welcome and we look forward to fresh initiatives to bring to our families.

What can we do for you? 

The best part of the PA is the lovely people you will meet and the opportunity to get a glimpse of what goes on behind the scenes at the school. 

We work to foster that unique ÎÞÂëÊÓƵ school spirit while engaging parents in roles that enable them to spend time doing things with and for their children.   

 There are so many opportunities to get involved. Whether you have time once a week, once a term or once a year we would love to have you onboard. Your involvement contributes significantly to our school and its students.

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Registry

The ÎÞÂëÊÓƵ coordinates a registry of Bar and Bat Mitzvahs to try and avoid clashes within the same year level. The registry is run through the Parents’ Association office.

Each year, on the first day of Term 1,  the register opens to all families of Year 2 students and remains open until their Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Registrations can be accepted at any time during these years. 

Participation is voluntary, but your support is needed for the register to work.

We look forward to assisting you in the first steps of this significant milestone.

Mother & Daughter Bat Mitzvah Learning
Father & Son Bar Mitzvah breakfast
Contact Us

The PA Executive can be contacted at msmcparentsassociation@gmail.com.

For all other enquiries, please contact the Parents’ Association Coordinator on +61 3 9834 0041.

Join us on Facebook:

The MSMC Parents’ Association looks forward to welcoming you into the ÎÞÂëÊÓƵ community.